Getting invisalign on nhs

Accessing Invisalign treatment through the NHS

Invisalign braces are clear and removable braces that helps straighten your teeth for a confident smile. These aligners are almost invisible which offers a great alterative when compared to traditional braces. You need to remove them to eat, drink, brush and floss so that you can enjoy your favorite foods and drinks as well as maintain good oral hygiene. You may wonder if NHS funding is available for Invisalign? Read further for the answer to this question.

NHS funding for invisible braces

NHS funding for dentistry can be complicated. Since Dental Clinic London is a private clinic, none of the dental treatments or services, including Invisalign will be available on the NHS.

NHS funding covers orthodontic treatment and care in certain circumstances. But it can also help patients who need treatment to improve their oral health rather than primarily improving their teeth’s appearance.

You would have to be under 18 years and fulfill certain criteria for treatment. This can be determined by an orthodontist who knows about your overall condition and will tell you whether you are a good candidate for Invisalign treatment.

About - Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need or IOTN

IOTN includes a set of measurements to improve your smile on a scale of between 1 and 5. If you have the score of 4 or 5, then you are suitable for NHS funding and require treatment for improving oral health. If your score is 3, then your orthodontist will consider the overall appearance of your teeth to see if you qualify. If the score is 1 or 2, then you will not be eligible for the NHS care.

NHS funding for Invisalign treatment

NHS orthodontic care is not available for adults although it may sometimes be approved on an case-by-case basis. Regretfully, you are unlikely to be offered aligner braces. Whatever your age, the NHS treatment is usually performed with metal braces.

This is due to the fact metal fixed braces are a great option to straighten teeth and they are generally a less expensive option than the invisible braces. Ultimately, you will be able to attain similar results by using these braces even although metal braces might not appeal to everyone.

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Pay for Invisalign treatment privately

Orthodontic treatment can be expensive but it can be more accessible through free consultations and different payment options such as interest-free monthly payments.

Ask about all-inclusive packages that include different benefits which are not included with the NHS treatment such as – fixed retainers, teeth whitening and shaping.

Schedule a free Invisalign consultation at Dental Clinic London and talk to an Invisalign provider to find out whether you are a suitable candidate for treatment. This way, you can straighten crooked or misaligned teeth and enjoy a confident smile.
